email services solutionsE-mail service solutions

Today, the reliability of e-mail correspondence is very important. We bring a comprehensive solution that provides our clients with problem-free e-mail communication on the network. We will design, supply, and launch the optimum solution for you.


E-mail service solutions: E-mail services without the need to purchase licenses

Complete e-mail correspondence on your server and SW without the need to purchase client licenses. A suitable solution for anyone who prefers independence and invest in their own IT solutions. With this solution, you get a high-quality, independent, Linux OS-based solution with extensive customisation options, including security.

HW SW One-time services Long-term services
HW servers (HPE, DELL EMC), disk storages (HPE, DELL EMC), virtual servers (VMware) Roundcube, Postfix Design, installation, configuration,
Basic IT administrator training, basic user training
- Regular monthly inspections in the X hour range (inspections of logs, settings)
- Semi-annual SW, FW, HW updates, upgrades in the X hour range
- Monitoring of availability, statuses, etc.


E-mail service solutions: E-mail services solved via a commercial platform

Complete e-mail correspondence on your server and Microsoft software products. A suitable solution for anyone who prefers to investment in their own IT solutions. The advantage of this solution rests in close cooperation with Microsoft client SW, enabling the use of advanced features of this type of e-mail server, including security.

HW SW One-time services Long-term services
HW servers (HPE, DELL EMC), disk storages (HPE, DELL EMC), virtual servers (vSphere, Hyper-V) MS Exchange Design, installation, configuration,
Basic IT administrator training
- Regular monthly inspections in the X hour range (inspections of logs, settings)
- Semi-annual SW, FW, HW updates, upgrades in the X hour range
- Monitoring of availability, statuses, etc.


E-mail service solutions: E-mail services without the need to purchase HW

Complete e-mail correspondence without the need to invest and regularly maintain your own HW and SW. Suitable variant for anyone who wants to save money on investments in HW and SW and on IT maintenance. You eliminate the IT costs, both financial and time.

HW SW One-time services Long-term services
Virtual servers (vSphere, Hyper-V) in our Company Roundcube, Postfix Basic IT administrator training, basic user training E-mail service subscription

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